Monday, August 22, 2005

Preparation neurosis

So far, I haven't done that much. I got my vaccinations, added extra visa pages to my passport and got my malaria meds. My doctor and I decided that I should take Malarone since I'll be going in and out of malaria zones often and since it'll work against all the various malaria strains, I only have to take that one type of pill. Its a daily pill, which adds a bit more of an annoyance, but its supposed to have less side effects than the others. I'll be glad for them when I'm not getting strange vivid dreams or crippling nausea. For my vaccinations, I got vaccinated for yellow fever, Hep A and typhoid. Getting shots after all these years made me a bit queasy. I don't care what they say, they still hurt! I thought I got Hep B when I was younger but my mother confirmed that I actually did not so I'm going to the local travel clinic to get Hep B. Hopefully, the travel clinic will have more information about health issues. I have a pretty decent first aid kit (courtesy of REI, my now favorite store in the world) and my doctor gave me a prescription for some Cipro if I ever need it. There are some international organizations of doctors or medical professionals that I can join for a small fee, which may be worth it but I have to research it a bit more.

I also still have to get travel insurance. This is a bit harder since I've never bought insurance on my own. Its hard to tell which companies are the most reputable and what type of coverage I need. Since I'm taking a few expensive electronic items (camera, ipod), I think I want one that will cover my belongings. Also, should I get coverage for lost luggage and trip interruption? Or is med evacuation enough?

I also need to start thinking about plane tickets and my RTW ticket (actually, this is what prompted me to procrastinate on my apps and start this blog). Because I traveled so much when I was working, I've amassed a ridiculous number of miles, which will finally pay off! I'm going to use my miles for each of my South American trips, which will save me a ton. Also, since I'm traveling down to South America on separate tickets than my RTW one, I can structure in time at home for Christmas and in the spring. First of all, I would pretty bummed out if I couldn't be home for the holidays so it's very nice that I have the ability to come home. Also, with all that traveling, I think it will be nice to come home, properly clean everything and rest up before heading out again. Traveling for a year non-stop sounds very very hard. So I'm finally putting my miles to good use! The sad part is that even after all my South American trips, I will still have plenty left over.

I will have to eventually book a RTW ticket for Asia and Australia but I think I will book that when I'm home for Christmas. I'm a little apprehensive because one of my best friends just had an absolutely horrid experience with one. One of her flights got canceled but the agent never informed her. Luckily, a couple of weeks before she left (while studying for the bar at the same time), she tried to confirm all her flights and found out one of them no longer existed. Of course she flipped and went straight to her agent who kept brushing her off, telling her not to worry but didn't actually come up with any solutions. She finally had to buy her own ticket, while she was in Africa. Even though the RTW ticket agents can usually get a better deal because they buy tickets in bulk and through weird connections. So I'm not sure.

I've also been on a bit of a gear-frenzy. I need to buy a bunch of security stuff like locks and this weird wire mesh net-thing for my backpack that I can lock up so I don't have to worry about my backpack while on buses, trains or in the hostels. Its a bit hefty (2lbs!) but since I'm on my own, I want to feel secure about my belongings. Especially, since I bought a new digital camera a couple of months ago and a new 20GB color iPod. I got a Canon S2 IS and its fantastic. Great photos, easy to use and best of all, it takes AA batteries (not many outlets in the great outdoors). And of course, I had to get a color iPod so that I can store all those great pictures. Best of all, it was my birthday a few days ago so I was really able to cash in on some gear including ugly yet practical mosquito pants that's supposed to repel bugs. Especially good for malaria zones since I'll be visiting quite a few.

Well, that's probably enough for one post :). I know, I get obsessed with this stuff. Okay, back to applications. This whole year will be for naught if I can't even finish my applications!

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