Dr. livingstone, I presume?
Our safari ended at Victoria Falls in Zambia, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. And a wonder it definitely is. It was also "discovered" by David Livingstone, the great British explorer. We were there during the end of the rainy season so the falls were an incredible force of nature with the water barely containing itself. Livingstone (the town) was also a great place to end our tour with a relaxing campsite complete with a nice restaurant, full bar and a booze cruise to celebrate the end.
What a site! But what was even more incredible is that from the Zambian side we were really only seeing a fraction of the falls.
Because of the heavy water mist we could barely see anything at all. But it was fun to run along all the trails, soaking wet, and catch the incredible glimpses when we could. And the rainbows!
At the top of the falls there are no gates or fences and people actually swim up there. It’s a little scary to think of what could happen, definitely not like at home.

They say the best way to see the falls is from the air and I decided to go on what is basically a motorized hang glider. It looks a little precarious but such amazing views! You can see on my face how thrilling it was.
Our great guides, Jimmy and Geoff!
Thanks for a great week, guys! I really could not have asked for a better group. Mostly Aussies and Americans with a couple of Irish thrown in, we had a fantastic time. I’ll never forget putting up/taking down camp, long talks on the endless road, awful sandwich lunches and so many laughs around the campfire fueled by all those cans of terrible beer.
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