Living a life of leisure isn't as easy as I would have thought. It’s hard to find shops with new lines out, restaurants that meet my unrelenting standards of service and quality, and cafes with perfectly toasted medialunas and accompanying cafe con leche at just the right temperature. I don't know how I live with myself :).
After a few days of complete idleness, I'm getting back into the swing of things. I've been catching up with friends, checking out all my favorite neighborhoods and restaurants, back into Spanish classes and volunteer work. It’s actually insane how busy I can make myself. I bought a bunch of books when I got to BA, thinking I would have a bunch of time to lie around but I have yet to crack a single book. It’s funny to think how "busy" I am when I think of my life a year ago. Right now, I have no idea how I would fit a job into my life whereas last year, I couldn't figure out how to fit a life into my work schedule. Amazing how much things can change in a year!
But I'm not quite ready to let go of all my slothful ways. Yesterday, I decided to splurge and have a day at the spa. I found this beautiful, peaceful spa close to my house so I made a day of it. Beauty is very serious business in Buenos Aires and there are spas, salons and sun parlors on every block. We're talking more places than Starbucks in Manhattan. I got a facial, full-body massage, time in the "relaxation room" and a bath in a jacuzzi and it was just lovely. I woke up late, ate some lunch, watched TV and headed to the spa. Especially after lugging my backpack across South America, my back was all knotted up. After working out the kinks, I did actually find the elusive, perfect medialuna at a cafe around the corner. The perfect way to top off a trip to the spa. And even better, I had a big, fat, juicy steak with a ton of wine for dinner. Sigh, everyone should have days like that.

Just look at that medialuna. So yummy....
Well, I should enjoy my time in Buenos Aires because its going to be shorter than I expected. I've decided to head home a week early so I'll be back in the Bay Area on March 8th! I have a ton of stuff to do when I go home that has been worrying me plus I miss my friends, family and home so much I would love to have extra time there. I know I'm cutting my travels a bit short but I figure going home is also part of my vacation year. Its just enough time to eat all my favorite foods, have a bunch of celebratory drinks with friends and get fawned over by my super-loving mom without the boredom or hassles of being home! I figure it will be the perfect amount of time to rest and recharge before heading to China. Also, I have plenty of travel time ahead of me so I should just enjoy myself, which means going home! So watch out! I'm landing state-side in little more than a week!
Now that you have seen heaven, we miss you here in hell. Drop us a line soon, unless you are too busy eating steak and going to the spa :) The pictures look great. We are living vicariously through you. Keep them coming.
ahhhh!!! you are home! and i'm not :P Have fun!
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